DISSIDENT ALLUSIONS NEWS: Welcome to the main landing page of Dissident Allusions. This blog is vast and spans several pages of assorted topics, scroll down to read new articles posted on my various blogs as they are updated in real time...and please feel free to offer up your comments. I hope you enjoy your read and I look forward to hearing from you...... RECENT ARTICLES POSTED ON DISSIDENT ALLUSIONS (...........Live Feeds as they happen)
Political correctness in the U.S. has become entrenched into everyday life. But the rules on what you can say and what can't have now extended into censoring or altering classic literature. And as RT's Marina Portnaya reports, many Americans think that means the PC movement has gone too far.
ATC Says - Liberalism run wild and left unchecked will be the ruination of this country!
Alex Jones on 'Anti-Racism,' Targeting of Whites
An interesting segment from Alex Jones on Anti-White behavior and the targeting of Whites.
"While Alex Jones credentials as a journalist are sometimes cause for trepidation, this truthful segment of his radio show requires NO credentials, because it is racial reality--whether you wish to believe it or not- --Frank Roman
ATC Says - I couldn't agree more this couldn't be more obvious....just the mere fact that anyone who is a non-white can proclaim pride in their race and heritage without being called a racist should be evidence enough of that. The white race is the only race not allowed to do this. If you are white and proclaim pride in your race you are automatically percieved to be a racist. Even the Civil Rights laws are written to favor non-whites over whites in a country that for the moment is still predominatly WHITE! It's just not politically correct in this liberal society to be white and proud. The more people begin to relise this, the more unrest we will see!
"The Dumbing Down of Americans"
This video talks about one way in which Americans have been dumbed down, but there are other methods also that have been used to dull the mind and ability to use critical thinking, and some of those methods include: food additives such as aspartame, sodium chloride, bleach, msg, and many others; chemicals from aerosol sprays (chemtrails); subliminal messages on TV; and aerial mind control. All these things are researchable, and to try to have all in one video would be a video that is at least one hour long.
The ones who own the media are zionists. No, zionists are not necessarily Jewish. This has nothing to do with race or religion. Zionism is a practice and belief system just as is Judaism (Jesuits).
If you are interested, you can google for the Jesuit oath and the zionist protocols. Neither is based on the bible, quran, or any other "sacred" book. I hope whoever listens to this hears the message and gets off the "race" and "religion" trip (for lack of a better word at the moment).
REAL-TIME ILLEGAL ALIEN STATISTICS - (Click image below to see stats!)
Fall Of The Republic documents how an offshore corporate cartel is bankrupting the US economy by design. Leaders are now declaring that world government has arrived and that the dollar will be replaced by a new global currency.
President Obama has brazenly violated Article 1 Section 9 of the US Constitution by seating himself at the head of United Nations' Security Council, thus becoming the first US president to chair the world body.
A scientific dictatorship is in its final stages of completion, and laws protecting basic human rights are being abolished worldwide; an iron curtain of high-tech tyranny is now descending over the planet.
A worldwide regime controlled by an unelected corporate elite is implementing a planetary carbon tax system that will dominate all human activity and establish a system of neo-feudal slavery.
The image makers have carefully packaged Obama as the world's savior; he is the Trojan Horse manufactured to pacify the people just long enough for the globalists to complete their master plan.
This film reveals the architecture of the New World Order and what the power elite have in store for humanity. More importantly it communicates how We The People can retake control of our government, turn the criminal tide and bring the tyrants to justice.
The Obama Deception is a hard-hitting film that completely destroys the myth that Barack Obama is working for the best interests of the American people. The Obama phenomenon is a hoax carefully crafted by the captains of the New World Order. He is being pushed as savior in an attempt to con the American people into accepting global slavery. We have reached a critical juncture in the New World Order\'s plans. and only by exposing the con can we help to save freedom in America. The Obama Deception is not about Left or Right: it\'s about a One World Government. The international banks plan to loot the people of the United States and turn them into slaves on a Global Plantation. Covered in this film: who Obama works for, what lies he has told, and his real agenda, and how his initial appointments and actions prove he serves the corporate oligarchs, not the American people. If you want to know the facts and cut through all the hype, this is the film for you. _______________________________________________
An Excellent Video By Alex Jones and well worth the watch.
Hello and welcome to my blog. As you can see it is a work in progress. If you follow it you will see it change almost daily. Lots of stuff to cover.
Before I get into why I created this blog, a few points about navigating around it. The Pictures you see to the right are links to other pages, some contain news and commentary by me others will contain other content as I create it, but just so you know there is more to this blog than just one page so please click on the images to find your way around.
Also provided here for your convenience are the links to the other pages on this blog:
This blog was made on account of the current plight we find ourselves in under the current Administration of Obama which is pushing a radically left Marxist Agenda. Policies which are spending us into the worst deficit in history, we teeter on the brink of financial collapse all the while his stimulus payouts and endless bailouts of big companies (his special interests)reap the benefits of our tax dollars. We are at a near 10% unemployment rate in this country and he imports more and more foreign workers and pushes amnesty for illegals, and now universal healthcare which will also cover them.
The days of living in a free society are over, capitalism is being slowly strangled to death. We no longer have free speech, that is "We have free speech so long as it does not contradict the current ruling administration ideals and philosophies." We have seen recent examples of this in the G20 summit in Philadelphia when Protesters were met by military grade sonic weapons being used by the police:
If you disagree with the current administration you are a terrorist or Nazi as Nanci Pelosi so likes to call us. We are grass roots americans wo are standing up for our heritage and want to preserve the constitution and the ideals of the founding fathers not to see our liberties raped and given away to third world invaders relentlessly slip across into our country with the aid of a complicit government that does nothing to enforce its borders security and tie the hands of immigration officials through understaffing and underfunding.
The time is at hand and america is waking up, angry at what he sees - the once sleeping giant is roused and his anger definitive as he girds himself for battle. The time is now......
I spend so much time angered by this illegal alien impostor president, that I like to, from time to time, look at the funnier side of his presidency and the vast volume of art surrounding this socialist kenyan immigrant turned president!
This is a funny, funny animated clip, too bad it is true. It's titled "Ordering a Pizza in the Obama Healthcare world" - enjoy and be very disturbedhttp://BGunn88.fileave.com/screen.swf
Here's a funny video: Its a bird! Its a plane! No, he's Barack Obama and hes come to save the day!
JibJab puts the rock in Barack with a new, over-the-top satire that debuted in front of the President himself this Friday at the Radio & Television Correspondents Dinner!
Glenn Beck presents the Obama National Anthem (Pretty disturbing but very accurate)
SNL Obama Accomplishments, Jack and Squat
This is priceless. SNL skewers Obama - Gosh does this mean the love affair is over
Here we have Big Bird on Sesame Street questioning Michelle Obama about the presidents social health care agenda and doubting that he was even born in the United States! Where IS the birth certificate? Seems like an easy enough document to produce in a moments notice, no?
For the second time this season, Saturday Night Live skewered the president for his lack of efficiency in the White House with a comedy sketch that scorched President Obama over his economic policies including health care, "Cash for Clunkers" and borrowing billions of dollars from China.
Saturday Night Live's parody of President Obama's media blitz - funny funny video, they even poke fun at my buddy Glenn Beck(Watch for more funny Obama videos and pictures to be added to my blog soon
HAHAHAHAHA Glenn Beck ohahahahahahaaaaa!
SNL's Parody of Obama & Hu Jintao Press Conference
Like the previous parody done by SNL, this one is just as funny. Hu insists on certain items as long as Obama is DOING "SEX TO ME!" LOL
SNL Parody Obama on the Bush tax cuts for the rich in HD
Fred Armisen parodied Obama for calling the repubs hostage takers.The libs said Obama had the Stockholm syndrome.
Finally at long last. Barrack Hussein Obama's birth certificate - FOUND!
.........much more to come this is just the tip of the iceberg where my collection is concerned.