Hello and welcome to my blog. As you can see it is a work in progress. If you follow it you will see it change almost daily. Lots of stuff to cover.
Before I get into why I created this blog, a few points about navigating around it. The Pictures you see to the right are links to other pages, some contain news and commentary by me others will contain other content as I create it, but just so you know there is more to this blog than just one page so please click on the images to find your way around.
Also provided here for your convenience are the links to the other pages on this blog:
The Bloody News: It's all about Obama And his Socialist Elite http://newsthatmakesyoumad.blogspot.com
Revolution Radio: My Audio Blog and commentary on news of the day http://revolutionradio88.blogspot.com
Swine Flu and Agenda 21 Articles: Articles Concerning the Swine Flu Pandemic, it's origins and facts about Vaccinations http://populationreduction.blogspot.com
Ok now to the why of it all:
This blog was made on account of the current plight we find ourselves in under the current Administration of Obama which is pushing a radically left Marxist Agenda. Policies which are spending us into the worst deficit in history, we teeter on the brink of financial collapse all the while his stimulus payouts and endless bailouts of big companies (his special interests)reap the benefits of our tax dollars. We are at a near 10% unemployment rate in this country and he imports more and more foreign workers and pushes amnesty for illegals, and now universal healthcare which will also cover them.
The days of living in a free society are over, capitalism is being slowly strangled to death. We no longer have free speech, that is "We have free speech so long as it does not contradict the current ruling administration ideals and philosophies." We have seen recent examples of this in the G20 summit in Philadelphia when Protesters were met by military grade sonic weapons being used by the police:
If you disagree with the current administration you are a terrorist or Nazi as Nanci Pelosi so likes to call us. We are grass roots americans wo are standing up for our heritage and want to preserve the constitution and the ideals of the founding fathers not to see our liberties raped and given away to third world invaders relentlessly slip across into our country with the aid of a complicit government that does nothing to enforce its borders security and tie the hands of immigration officials through understaffing and underfunding.
The time is at hand and america is waking up, angry at what he sees - the once sleeping giant is roused and his anger definitive as he girds himself for battle. The time is now......