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Political correctness in the U.S. has become entrenched into everyday life. But the rules on what you can say and what can't have now extended into censoring or altering classic literature. And as RT's Marina Portnaya reports, many Americans think that means the PC movement has gone too far.
ATC Says - Liberalism run wild and left unchecked will be the ruination of this country!
Alex Jones on 'Anti-Racism,' Targeting of Whites
An interesting segment from Alex Jones on Anti-White behavior and the targeting of Whites.
"While Alex Jones credentials as a journalist are sometimes cause for trepidation, this truthful segment of his radio show requires NO credentials, because it is racial reality--whether you wish to believe it or not- --Frank Roman
ATC Says - I couldn't agree more this couldn't be more obvious....just the mere fact that anyone who is a non-white can proclaim pride in their race and heritage without being called a racist should be evidence enough of that. The white race is the only race not allowed to do this. If you are white and proclaim pride in your race you are automatically percieved to be a racist. Even the Civil Rights laws are written to favor non-whites over whites in a country that for the moment is still predominatly WHITE! It's just not politically correct in this liberal society to be white and proud. The more people begin to relise this, the more unrest we will see!
"The Dumbing Down of Americans"
This video talks about one way in which Americans have been dumbed down, but there are other methods also that have been used to dull the mind and ability to use critical thinking, and some of those methods include: food additives such as aspartame, sodium chloride, bleach, msg, and many others; chemicals from aerosol sprays (chemtrails); subliminal messages on TV; and aerial mind control. All these things are researchable, and to try to have all in one video would be a video that is at least one hour long.
The ones who own the media are zionists. No, zionists are not necessarily Jewish. This has nothing to do with race or religion. Zionism is a practice and belief system just as is Judaism (Jesuits).
If you are interested, you can google for the Jesuit oath and the zionist protocols. Neither is based on the bible, quran, or any other "sacred" book. I hope whoever listens to this hears the message and gets off the "race" and "religion" trip (for lack of a better word at the moment).
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